The Office

Calendar of events

Download a printable version of the calendar of events (Pdf) and sick it on your fridge.

Term dates


Term 1

Inset days: 2 September 2024
Starts: 3 September 2024
Inset day: 9 October 2024
Ends: 25 October 2024

Term 2

Starts: 4 November 2024
Ends: 20 December 2024

Term 3

Inset day: 6 January 2025
 7 January 2025
Ends: 13 February 2025
Inset day: 14 February 2025

Term 4

Starts: 24 February 2025
Ends: 4 April 2025

Term 5

Inset: 22 April 2025
23 April 2025
Ends: 23 May 2025

Term 6

Starts: 2 June 2025
Inset day: 4 July 2025
Ends: 18 July 2025
Inset days: 21 and 22 July 2025

Print version of the term dates 2024/25 (Pdf)

Reporting an absence

Illness: if your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please phone Mrs Batchelor in the school office.

Please note that if your child is absent from school and we do not receive a message or are unable to reach you on the phone, we are obliged to follow up with a home visit to check on your childs safety.

Please ring us on each day of absence, unless by prior arrangement with the office, eg in the case of chickenpox or sickness, where a set number of days at home may be required. Mrs Batchelor will be in the office from 8.30am each day.

Please note that children must be 48 hours clear of sickness or diarrhoea before returning to school.

School catering service

The school's catering is provided by the trust's in-house caters Zest, who pride themselves on a fresh, healthy and tasty ethos.

More information

Photo and video consent

General principals for student images and video recording

Student photos and video recordings may be used for identification purposes and evidencing educational development. Such data will not be shared unless the law requires us to do so, or specific consent has been provided by the parent/carer.

Videos may be taken of lessons to support staff development; these may be seen by other teachers in school for staff training.

Where video or sound recording is required as part of an exam course for moderation purposes, such as drama, dance, music and PE, consent is not required other than opting to choose to study the course.

Parents / carers are welcome to take videos and photos of their children at school events for their own personal use. However, to respect everyone’s privacy rights and in some cases protection, these images must not be published or made publicly available on social networking sites, nor should parents / carers comment on any activities involving other students in the images / footage. Websites and social media can be viewed throughout the world, not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies. When images are posted on the internet, it is not possible to prevent others from reposting them.

Futura Schools use third party school photographers. These third parties come into school to take pictures of students (and their siblings) and pass the images back to the school. Proofs are distributed to parents/carers by the school. Parents/carers wishing to purchase images, do so by direct payment to the photographer. Schools are able to provide information on the specific photographer used in each school and direct parents/carers to their photographer’s own data protection policy.

Additional and specific consent for use by external agencies/companies may be sought.

For further information about how students’ personal information is collected and managed, please refer to the privacy notice on the trust website.

Parental consent

Parents provide consent for publication of their child’s image through the Parental Consents section of the My Child At School parent portal, or by contacting the school. Parental consent falls into two broad categories: School News/Events and Promotional Material.

Parental consent - school news and events

By consenting to ‘School News and Events’, parents/carers give consent to the following:

  • Images may be used in the school newsletters and information bulletins. These publications may be printed or published on-line via the school’s website. School websites do not have restricted access.
  • Images or video footage may be used on school social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, WhatsApp and Instagram. Note: social media accounts may not be closed groups.
  • Students’ full names will not be shown alongside any published image.
  • If parents do not want their child’s image to be shown on any of the aforementioned social media sites, they should withdraw consent for this category. It is not possible for the school to differentiate between permission granted for certain social media platforms (e.g. Facebook) but not others (e.g. Twitter).

Parental consent - promotional material

By consenting to ‘promotional material’, parents/carers give consent to the following:

  • Images may be used in the school on activity boards, screens or reception area for promotional purpose. Note: this is separate to our statutory obligation to display work around the school, which may contain personal information; schools do not require consent to do this.
  • Images or video footage may be used on the school website for publicity purposes.
  • Images may be used in printed materials such as the school prospectus.
  • Images or video footage may be used in the media (local / national press). Student’s names will only be published in exceptional circumstances, and with parent/carer permission. 
  • Unless parents/carers give express consent, students’ full names will not be shown alongside any published image.
  • If parents do not want their child’s image to be used for specific purposes (e.g. prospectus, but not media), consent should be withdrawn. It is not possible for the school to differentiate between permission granted for certain promotional material but not others.

Parents/carers can withdraw consent at any time either through the Bromcom MCAS account or by contacting the school.

School money: online payments

The school does not take payment for any item in cash. This means that all payments for school expenses, such as trips, school dinners and breakfast club can be made online with your debit or credit card. Parents and carers will need to use the online service called ParentMail.

Parents and carers will receive a unique password to be able to log on to ParentMail and pay for school meals, trips, music tuition and afterschool clubs.

For more information or to make an online payment to the school please go to ParentMail or contact the school office.

School uniform

Our logoed school uniform can be purchased online through Harvem Schoolwear please also see the uniform price list. However, other items can be purchased more widely. The PTA also host regular second-hand uniform sales.

Our school PE kit is:

  • Plain white (with or without school logo) polo shirt
  • School jumper or cardigan
  • Plain black (no logos/ brands/ stripes) shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms. 
  • Trainers not daps – we have chosen trainers, as this is a more comfortable shoe that children can wear all day.


Harvem Schoolwear
14 Bath Hill, Keynsham
Bristol BS31 1HG

Tel: 0117 986 22 66


Further information:

School uniform policy (Pdf)

Premier Education Child Care

Premier Education before and after-school club for Two Rivers CofE Primary School

Before School

Start Active (7:30-8:50) - £5.00 per session.



Play Active (15:15-16:30) - £5 per session      

Play Active (16:30 – 17:30) £5 per session

Play Active (17:30 -18:00) £2.00 per session

This means that anyone wishing their child to attend after-school club for the duration 15:15 -18:00pm will be charged £12.50 per day.


Booking Information

You will need to book online at: or



Closure of school in the event of severe weather

Severe weather conditions before departure for school (if for example, there is a heavy fall of snow during the night, the following arrangements will apply) 

  • In the unlikely event of a school closure, an announcement will be made via the school website, plus you will receive an email from Parent mail by 7.30am on the day.
  • If the school remains open but you decide, based on local road and weather conditions, not to send your son/daughter into school, you must telephone the school as you would for any absence.

Severe or deteriorating weather conditions during the day (i.e. after students have arrived at school)

With our students’ safety in mind we shall keep a constant check on road condition reports and weather forecasts. If conditions worsen during the day we shall contact parents via email and text so that children can be collected from school

Lines of communication

As a school we always try and have open lines of communication.

For academic queries the first port of call is the class teacher who knows your child better than anyone in school.

Questions about clubs, dinners, milk and the payment of monies are dealt with at the office.

Mr Filer will always try and see you if circumstances permit. He does have other commitments, but will always try to be available if it is a matter that needs immediate attention.

We frequently send messages out via the MyChildAtSchool app and the so please ensure that the office has your up to date email address.

Likewise we need your most recent contact numbers in case of emergency.

Our newsletters come out on alternate Fridays, again via MyChildAtSchool. If you require paper copies of policies and procedures, letters or any other information, please let the office know and this can be arranged.

